Environment and Society [TS]
Arts, Culture and Communication [TS]
Classes, Inequalities and Public Policies [TS]
Knowledge, Science and Technology [TS]
Population Dynamics, Generations and Ageing [TA]
Cultural Diversity and Spaces for Intervention [TS]
Family and Life Courses [TS]
Globalization, Politics and Citizenship [TS]
Identities, Values and Ways of Life [TA]
Migrations, Ethnicity and Racism [TS]
Poverty, Social Exclusion and Social Policies [TS]
Security, Defense and Armed Forces [TS]
Sexuality and Gender [TS]
Civil Society, Alternative Economies and Voluntary Work [TS]
Sociology of Education [TS]
Sociology of Childhood [TS]
Sociology of Religion [TS]
Sociology of Health and Illness [TS]
Sociology of Emotions [TS]
Sociology of Consumption [TS]
Sociology of Sport [TS]
Sociology of Law and Justice [TS]
Sociology of Tourism [TS]
Theories and Methodologies [TA]
Territories: Cities and Countryside [TA]
Work, Organizations and Professions [TS]
Thematic Areas and Sections Coordinators
Docente do Ensino Superior
Docente do Ensino Superior
Alice Delerue Matos, Professora Auxiliar no Departamento de Sociologia do Instituto de Ciências Sociais da Universidade do Minho, é doutorada em Ciências Sociais - Demografia pela Universidade Católica de Louvain (Bélgica). Integrou a Comissão Diretiva da Associação Internacional de Sociólogos de Língua Francesa entre 2012 e 2021 e, atualmente, preside à Assembleia Geral da Associação Portuguesa de Demografia. É coordenadora científica, a nível nacional, do projeto SHARE - Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe e consultora de projetos de investigação ou investigação-ação, com financiamento obtido no âmbito de concursos competitivos. Foi agraciada com o Prémio de Mérito da Docência pela Universidade do Minho e dois dos projetos que coordenou foram premiados. É autora ou coautora de uma centena de publicações nacionais e internacionais, em especial na área da Sociologia do Envelhecimento e da Sociologia da População.Dinâmia’CET, ISCTE-IUL
Ana Cristina Ferreira is an Associate Professor in the Department of Social Research Methods at ISCTE - Instituto Universitário de Lisboa and a researcher at DINÂMIA'CET-ISCTE. She has a PhD in Sociology (2002) and a particular interest in quantitative methods applied to the Social Sciences. Research into mixed marriages in Portugal (marriages between an immigrant and a native of Portugal).
Instituto Universitário Militar- Academia Militar/CINAMIL. CICS.NOVA
Instituto Universitário Militar- Academia Militar/CINAMIL. CICS.NOVA
Associate Professor at the Military Academy, member of the Research Center of the Military Academy (CINAMIL) and integrated researcher at the Interdisciplinary Center for Social Sciences (CICS.NOVA)
Docente do Ensino Superior
Docente do Ensino Superior
Joaquim Costa was born in Funchal in 1960. He graduated in sociology from Universidade de Évora, in 1989, and also obtained a Phd in sociology from Universidade do Minho in 2005. He has been a professor at Instituto de Ciências Sociais da Universidade do Minho since 1991.
He is currently a researcher oat the Centro de Estudos de Comunicação e Sociedade (CECS). He has published several studies mostly in the area of Sociologia da Religion. Lately he has focused on the intersections between economy and religion.
Docente do Ensino Superior
Docente do Ensino Superior
Ph.D. em Sociologia (Universidade de Nova Iorque)
. Professor Catedrático jubilado da Universidade de Coimbra
. Ex-Presidente da APS
. Pubicações recentes: Cidades e Urbanidades (Imprensa de Ciências Sociais (2020), "O Mundo Social do Ruído" (Análise Social, 234, 2020) e "Urbanidades Complexas: Considerações sobre o envelhecimento das cidades" (Caderno CRH, vol. 36, 2022).
Universidade da Beira Interior
Universidade da Beira Interior
Associate Professor at the University of Beira Interior and Researcher at CIES-IUL (Center for Research and Studies in Sociology). She is currently director of the master's degree in Social Entrepreneurship and Innovation. Her research interests are gender mobility and citizenship, transport and inequalities; work, entrepreneurship and organizations.
Docente do Ensino Superior
Docente do Ensino Superior
Claudia Casimiro (PhD); Professora Auxiliar no Instituto Superior de Ciências Sociais e Politicas da Universidade de Lisboa e Investigadora Integrada no Centro Interdisciplinar de Estudos de Genero (CIEG/ISCSP-ULisboa)ISUP-FLUP
Associate Professor at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Porto and Senior Researcher at the Institute of Sociology of the University of Porto. Current Director of the BA in Sociology.
PhD and BA in Sociology (Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Porto, 2004 and 1990). MA in Human Resources Politics and Management (Institute of Work and Organization Sciences, University Institute of Lisbon, 1996).
Post-Doctorate in Administration on Social Entrepreneuship at the Faculty of Economic Sciences of the Federal University of Minas Gerais (Brazil, 2012). She has been conducting a research on the Solidarity Economy Ecosystem in Catalonia (Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona, Spain, 2016; Xarxa d'Economia Solidària, 2021). In this context, she has been developing a comparative analysis between Brazil, Portugal and Catalonia.
Author and co-author of scientific articles in peer-reviewed journals, books, oral presentations and conferences at academic and professional events. As scientific coordinator and supervisor of master and doctoral theses, she develops action-research in activities and projects related to social and solidarity economy, agroecology, entrepreneurship, human resources and sociology of work and organizations, as well as evaluation of research and innovation programs.
She was a co-founding member of A3S - Association for Social Entrepreneurship and the Sustainability of the Third Sector (2006 – 2017) and is currently Chairwoman of the Fiscal Council of the Portuguese Sociology Association.
Consultant at A3ES - Agency for Assessment and Accreditation of Higher Education.
Centro de Estudos Globais – CEG-UAb, Universidade Aberta - UAb
Centro de Estudos Globais – CEG-UAb, Universidade Aberta - UAb
Cristina Pereira Vieira, APS member no. 3105. She has a PhD in Sociology from UAb - Universidade Aberta. She is a researcher at the Center for Global Studies (CEG-UAb), where she coordinates the Anthropocene, Sustainability and Development Research Group. She is a collaborator at the Interdisciplinary Center for Gender Studies (CIEG-ISCSP/UL). She is an Associate Professor at UAb. Based on the themes of sexuality and gender, she has invested in the knowledge of social reality from, among others, youth sexualities, gender identities and expressions, gender violence, masculinity, risks and vulnerabilities.
Doutorada em Estudos da Criança, especialidade em Sociologia da Infância, pela Universidade do Minho e mestre em Sociologia da Infância e licenciada em Sociologia das Organizações pela mesma instituição. Fez uma pós-graduação em Ciências da Educação, na FPCE-UP onde trabalhou com jovens do Ginasiano numa pesquisa sobre expressão artística e intervenção comunitária. De 2001 a 2019 foi Professora Adjunta da ESEPF (Licenciatura em Educação Social e Mestrado em Intervenção Comunitária). Desde 2019 integra o ProChild CoLAB. É membro do Research Network 04 da ESA. Participa em diferentes publicações nacionais e internacionais. Os interesses de investigação e intervenção focam-se na sociologia da infância, cidadania infantil e ação política das crianças, pobreza infantil e políticas públicas e crianças/território/cidades.
Docente do Ensino Superior, Investigadora
Docente do Ensino Superior, Investigadora
Gilberta Margarida de Medeiros Pavão Nunes Rocha, Professora Catedrática Aposentada da Universidade dos Açores, é doutorada em Ciências Sociais, especialidade de Demografia. Tem trabalhos publicados a nível nacional e internacional em especial nas áreas da Dinâmica Demográfica, Migrações, Envelhecimento Populacional, Família e Género. Entre 2000 e 2006 foi representante do Conselho de Reitores das Universidades Portuguesas (CRUP) no grupo de trabalho de Demografia do Conselho Superior de Estatística. Entre 2002 e 2006 foi Presidente da Mesa da Assembleia Geral da Associação Portuguesa de Sociologia e entre 2006 e 2010 Presidente do Conselho de Deontologia da mesma Associação, sendo a partir da última data membro do seu Conselho Consultivo. De 2001 a 2019 foi Presidente do Conselho Consultivo da Associação Portuguesa de Demografia. De 2013 a 2020 integrou o Conselho Económico e Social em representação da Região Autónoma dos Açores, sendo por inerência membro do Conselho Económico e Social dos Açores.
Helena Vilaça has a PhD in sociology from the Faculty of Letters of the University of Porto, where she is a lecturer in the Department of Sociology. She is a researcher at the Institute of Sociology of the University of Porto. In 2011, she was a visiting professor at the University of Uppsala and, in 2017, she received a scholarship from the Fulbright “Religious Pluralism” Program in the USA. She was a member of the Council of the International Society for the Sociology of Religion (2014-2021) and coordinates the Sociology of Religion section of the Portuguese Sociological Association. She is also the national coordinator of the EUREL project (Sociological and Legal Data on Religions in Europe) and editor of Sociologia - Revista da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto. Her publications include Da Torre de Babel às terras prometidas (2006); The Changing Soul of Europe: Religions and Migrations in Northern and Southern Europe (2014); A religião no espaço público português (2019).
Universidade de Coimbra, Faculdade de Economia, CES
Universidade de Coimbra, Faculdade de Economia, CES
Hermes Augusto Costa is a sociologist, Full Professor at the Faculty of Economics, University of Coimbra (FEUC) and researcher at the Centre for Social Studies (CES). Since 2008/09, he has been coordinator of the PhD Program in Sociology: Labor Relations, Social Inequalities and Unionism. Between Februray 2020 and April 2024 he was vice-dean of FEUC. Since July 2024 he his cocoordinator of the Phd in Sociology ( Faculty of Economics, University of Coimbra). His main areas of research are the processes of globalization and regionalization of trade unionism, European Works Councils and labour relationsIS-FLUP
Professor of Higher Education and Researcher. He is currently a Professor at ISLA - Polytechnic Institute of Management and Technology and an Integrated Researcher at the Institute of Sociology of the University of Porto, where he coordinates various research projects and networks, most notably RICOT - Research Network on Working Conditions and the Social Barometer Platform.
Data analyst and project manager at Pordata-FFMS. Among the various projects I manage, I supervise and monitor the team that updates and maintains the databases on Portugal, the Regions and Europe. I also provide scientific advice on data analysis and the design of different dissemination formats such as infographics, books, reports and documentaries. I have a PhD in sociology from FEUC, a master's degree in sociology of health and a degree in sociology from ISCTE-IUL. Before joining FFMS in 2019, I was a researcher and project manager for 12 years. Of these, I highlight work on health and mental illness at LIGMH-NMS; psychopharmacologization, ethics and methodologies at CIIEM, or HIV and health promotion at CIES-ISCTE. Between 2008 and 2016, I was a guest assistant professor of Introduction to Social Sciences, Research Methodologies and Sociology of Health, among other 1st and 2nd cycle subjects, at the Egas Moniz Higher Education Cooperative.
Graduated in economic sociology (2009), associate professor at ISEG, researcher at SOCIUS/CSG, ISEG, University of Lisbon.
“Writing Sociology: Writing History”, Russian Sociological Review, 22, 2, Jun. 2023, 50-70.
Graça, J. C., Caiado, Jorge e Rita Gomes Correia, “On the values and attitudes of economics students in Portugal”, Revista de Sociologia e Política, 30, 21, Dez. 2022, 1-19.
“Werner Sombart: Um Estrangeiro na Tradição Sociológica?”, Revista Sociedade & Estado, 37, 1, Jan./Abr. 2022, 271-292.
Graça, J. C. e Rita Gomes Correia, “Em torno da pandemia. Factos, perceções e conjeturas”, Revista Brasileira de Psicanálise, 54, 2, Out. 2020, 139-158.
“Considerações acerca do tema 'desenvolvimento': Reflexão crítica socio-histórica e geopolítica”, Configurações - Revista de Sociologia, 35, Jun. 2020, 36-58.
Graça, J. C., Caiado, Jorge e Rita Gomes Correia, “Sociopolitical values, attitudes and behaviors of Portuguese economics students”, Sociologia: Problemas e Práticas, 92, Jan. 2020, 111-132.
“Manual de Sociologia Política”, Coimbra, Almedina, 2018.
Docente do Ensino Superior Politécnico
Docente do Ensino Superior Politécnico
Assistant professor at Escola Superior de Educação e Ciências Sociais do Instituto Politécnico de Portalegre (IPP); Vice President for Investigação e Inovação from IPP; Researcher integrated of VALORIZA- Centro de Investigação para a Valorização dos Recursos Endógenos (IPP); Associated researcher of CIES-IUL and CICS.NOVA
Joao Filipe Marques holds a PhD in Sociology by the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales of Paris and a MA in Social Anthropology. He is Associate Professor (with habilitation) at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Algarve and integrated researcher at the Research Centre onTurism, Sustainability and Wellbeing (CinTurs; UAlg). Currently he is the Director of the Sociology Master Program and one of the coordinators of the Thematic Section on Sociology of Tourism of the Portuguese Sociological Association. He has been teaching Social Sciences and Sociological Theories since the 1990's and is main field of research has been the Sociology of Racism and Ethnicity. Recently is research interests shifted towards the sociology of tourism, leisure and travel and he has been teaching Sociology of Tourism in the Sociology Programs of the University of Algarve.
Professor Associado
Professor Associado
PhD in Sociology of Communication, Culture and Education by ISCTE- University Institute of Lisbon. He is a associate professor in the Departement of History (ESPP/Iscte), integrated researcher, sub-director and cocoordinator of the Research Group Media and Culture at the Centre for Research and Studies in Sociology (CIES-Iscte), He is a cocoordinator of the Art, Culture and Communication thematic section of the Portuguese Sociological Association (APS). He was a permanent researcher at the Observatory on Cultural Activities (OAC, 1996 to 2013). He was president of the Working Group on Cultural Statistics of the Portugal Statistical Council (2006 to 2010). Coordinator or researcher on several research projects in the fields of museological studies, art and culture. He is Director of the Portuguese Observatory on Cultural Activities (OPAC) since its creation in December 2018.Socióloga
Magda Nico é socióloga, Professora Auxiliar no Departamento de Métodos de Pesquisa Social do ISCTE-Instituto Universitário de Lisboa e investigadora integrada do CIES-IUL. Interessa-se e tem trabalhado sobre aspectos teóricos e desenhos metodológicos do Curso de Vida, sobre as trajectórias e transições para a vida adulta, mas também sobre processos como a precariedade, a mobilidade social, e as desigualdades produzidas, atenuadas ou acumuladas no decorrer das vidas dos indivíduos, bem como os seus efeitos à escala individual e meso-familiar.
Coordenou o projecto “Vidas Vinculadas: uma abordagem mista, longitudinal e multinível do curso de vida da família”, e, com Ana Caetano, um Projecto sobre “Ecos Biográficos: Triangulação no estudo dos percursos de vida”, ambos financiados pela Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia.
É “Global Representative” da Society for Longitudinal and Lifecourse Studies, e co-organizadora do ciclo de Seminários “Biografias e Trajectórias: das vidas, aos dados aos resultados” com Ana Caetano.
Coordena, desde 2013, com Cláudia Casimiro (CIEG/ISCSP-ULisboa) e Vanessa Cunha (ICS-ULisboa), a Secção Temática “Famílias e Curso de Vida” da Associação Portuguesa de Sociologia (APS).
Sociologist, with a degree and master's in Sociology (FLUP), PhD in Social Sciences from the Institute of Social Sciences of the University of Lisbon (ICS-UL) and Associate Professor at the Institute of Social and Political Sciences of the University of Lisbon (ISCSP-UL). She has been a researcher at the Center for Research and Studies in Sociology of the University Institute of Lisbon (CIES-Iscte) since 2008, where she has carried out research in the areas of studies on and with Gypsies/Roma, immigration, diversity and urban space, poverty and social exclusion, local development and social housing policies. He is also a collaborating member of the Institute of Sociology of the Faculty of Letters of Porto (ISFLUP) and CAPP (Center for Administration and Public Policies of ISCSP-ULisboa).
Margarida Perestrelo, retired Assistant Professor in the Department of Social Research Methods at ISCTE - Instituto Universitário de Lisboa. Researcher at DINÂMIA'CET-ISCTE-IUL. PhD in Sociology, specializing in Sociological Theories and Methods. Her research areas are Data Analysis applied to the Social Sciences and Foresight Methodologies applied to Territory, Structural Analysis, Subsystem Analysis, Strategic Analysis of Actors and Cenarization. Author of many publications, she has been involved in multiple research projects in Territorial Foresight.
Universidade de Évora. CICS.NOVA
Universidade de Évora. CICS.NOVA
Maria da Saudade Baltazar is an associate professor at the University of Évora (School of Social Sciences | Sociology Department) and a researcher of Interdisciplinary Centre of Social Sciences | CICS.NOVA .UÉvora
Docente do Ensino Superior
Docente do Ensino Superior
Maria Strecht Almeida hold a PhD in sociology by Universidade de Coimbra with a study of the dynamics of research field in the biomedical sciences, she has a degree in Bioquímica from Universidade do Porto.
Professor at the Sociology Department, Faculty of Arts of the University of Porto (FLUP).
Integrated Researcher at the Institute of Sociology of the University of Porto (IS-UP). Research Group: "Social Recompositions, Culture and Territory", Sub-Research Group "Artistic Creation, Cultural Practices and Policies".
PhD, MA and BA in Sociology at FLUP (2007, 1997 and 1992).
Main research areas and activities: Culture and Arts. Cultural and Artistic Practices (Creation, Reception and Mediation). Cultural Policies (european, national and local level). Tourism: Policies, Practices and Processes. Education, Arts and Social Inclusion. Diagnosis, Monitoring and Evaluation of Social Intervention Programs and Projects.
Co-coordination of the Thematic Section on Sociology of Tourism (since 2018) and the Thematic Area on Sociology of Tourism (2014-2018).
Instituto Superior de Ciências Policiais e Segurança Interna. ICPOL
Instituto Superior de Ciências Policiais e Segurança Interna. ICPOL
Nuno Poiares is a law and police sciences graduate from the Higher Institute of Police Sciences and Internal Security (Lisbon), with a MSc (U. Evora) and a PhD (ISCTE-IUL) in Sociology. He has a postdoc in Human Rights (U. Coimbra) and a MSc in Criminal Law (U. Lisbon).Investigador, Docente do Ensino Superior
Universidade Aberta & CIES-Iscte
Universidade Aberta & CIES-Iscte
Olga Magano is a sociologist and assistant professor at the Universidade Aberta, Department of Social Sciences and Management. She has a PhD in Sociology and a master's degree in Intercultural Relations from Universidade Aberta. She has a degree in Sociology from the Faculty of Letters of the University of Porto. She is an integrated researcher at the Center for Research and Studies in Sociology (CIES-Iscte), University Institute of Lisbon and a collaborating researcher at the Institute of Sociology of the University of Porto and the Center for Global Studies of the Open University. She is also a member of the Observatory of the Professional and Life Paths of Graduates of the Universidade Aberta. She has carried out research, among other areas, on gypsies in Portugal, migrations, refugees, racism, xenophobia, cultural diversities, social inequalities, identities, mestizaje and spatial and social segregation, life paths and professional and social mobility.
Paula Abreu has a PhD in Sociology from the University of Coimbra. She is an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Coimbra (FEUC), and a researcher at the Centre for Social Studies of the same university (CES-UC), as part of the thematic line Urban cultures, sociability and participation. In this context, she is currently a researcher on the projects IN SITU - Place-based innovation of cultural and creative industries in non-urban areas (2022-2026) (https://insituculture.eu/) and CONCILIARE - Confidently Changing Colonial Heritage (2024-2027), both funded by the European Commission.
Research interests focused on cultural production and consumption and the markets for cultural goods; organisations, cultural ecosystems and cultural policies; valuation processes in the fields of culture.
Docente do Ensino Superior
Docente do Ensino Superior
Paula Campos Pinto é doutorada em Sociologia pela Universidade de York (Toronto, Canadá) e Mestre em Estudos da Família pela Universidade de Wisconsin-Madison (EUA). Professora Associada no Instituto Superior de Ciências Sociais e Políticas da Universidade de Lisboa, foi uma das fundadoras e atualmente é uma das sub-diretoras do CIEG, Centro interdisciplinar de Estudos de Género. É também coordenadora adjunta da Unidade de Sociologia e preside atualmente à Comissão de Coordenação do Doutoramento Interuniversitário em Sociologia OpenSoc.
Tem dirigido e participado em múltiplos projetos de investigação, de âmbito nacional e internacional, em temáticas que se prendem com a análise e avaliação de políticas públicas, a igualdade de género e as problemáticas da deficiência.
É autora de diversas publicações nacionais e internacionais onde tem abordado temas como as políticas públicas, os direitos humanos, as questões de género e a deficiência.
Raquel Rego is a Portuguese sociologist, with a PhD in sociology from Université Lille 1 and, simultaneously, Iscte-IUL (2007) and a postgraduation degree in data analysis in social sciences from Iscte-IUL (2021).
She is currently a Research Fellow at the Institute of Social Sciences (ICS) from the University of Lisbon, coordinating course units in the PhD program in Sociology, OpenSoc, and in the PhD program in Comparative Politics and International Relations from ICS.
In addition to participating in other projects, Raquel was until recently the PI of the REP project - Representation of social partners and impact on economic governance, funded by FCT (2018-2022).
From 2016 to 2020, she was the Coordinator of the Organizing Committee of the ICS Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) Seminars.
Member of IRENE, a network of independent experts working on company restructuring and labor relations, since 2014, and member of the European IR Share network, since 2018, Raquel is also an external consultant, working with Wilke Maack and Partners, Eurofound, V-Dem, PCG Project Consult, and ICF International.
Previously she was a researcher at SOCIUS-ISEG from the University of Lisbon (2007-2015) and member of the Portuguese team of the European Observatory of Working Life (Eurwork) from Eurofound (2007-2015).
In 2018, Raquel was one of the founders of the Thematic Section: Civil Society, Alternative Economies, Volunteering, at the Portuguese Association of Sociology.
Rosalina Pisco Costa has a PhD in Social Sciences, specializing in “General Sociology”, since 2011. She is an associate professor at the University of Évora and a researcher at the Interdisciplinary Center for Social Sciences in Évora (CICS.NOVA.UÉvora). Her research covers a wide range of topics related to families, gender and personal life; childhood and youth; studies of everyday life, mobility and consumption; social time and life stages; ritualization, memory and family aesthetics. In May 2023, she was elected a member of the coordinating team of the “Families and Life Course” section (ST-FCV) of the Portuguese Sociological Association (APS) for 2023-2027.
Universidade Católica; UBI
Universidade Católica; UBI
Visiting Assistant Professor at the University of Beira Interior and Visiting Assistant Professor at Católica Porto Business School. She holds a PhD in Sociology from the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Porto, a Master's degree from the Faculty of Economics of the University of Porto and a degree in Sociology from the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Porto.
Sara Franco da Silva is a PhD candidate in Sociology at Iscte-Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (FCT scholarship holder) and is developing her research on “Decent work and social inequalities in the digital society” from a comparative perspective between Portugal and Europe. She completed a Master's degree in Labor Sciences and Labor Relations and a Bachelor's degree in Sociology at the same institution, and in 2023 she completed a postgraduate course in Data Analysis in Social Sciences. She is a guest assistant at Iscte's Transversal Skills Laboratory and Sociology Department. She has been part of teams in various research projects at the Center for Research and Studies in Sociology (CIES-ISCTE) and ICS-University of Lisbon, applying quantitative and qualitative methodologies in thematic fields such as social inequalities, well-being, work-family reconciliation, decent work, territories and social cohesion.
Sílvia Ferreira is assistant professor in Sociology at the Faculty of Economics of Coimbra University, researcher at the Centre for Social Studies and at the Center for Cooperative and Social Economy Studies of the Faculty of Economics.
She lectures at undergraduate and at graduate levels in the Sociology degree, master in Sociology, master in Society, Innovation and Entrepreneurship and in the Post-Graduation in Social Economy. She is co-coordinator of the master in Society, Innovation and Entrepreneurship.
She holds a PhD in Sociology from Lancaster University (UK). BA and Master in Sociology from the Faculty of Economics of the University of Coimbra.
She has been involved in research on social security reform, third sector and social policy, gender equality in third sector organisations, social entrepreneurship and social innovation in the social and solidarity economy, social enterprises, volunteering and local governance through state/third sector partnerships. Her basic interest has been the evolving nature of the welfare state and of the welfare mixes, from a sociological standpoint based on complex social systems approaches.
She recently concluded the project TIMES – Institutional Trajectories and Models of Social Enterprise in Portugal (FCT/COMPETE, as well as the COST Action EMPOWER-SE – Empowering the Next Generation of Social Enterprise Scholars (European Commission).
She is board member of EMES – International Research Network.
University of Warwick
University of Warwick
Silvia Gomes is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Sociology at the University of Warwick (UK) and a member of the Centre for the Study of Women and Gender at the same university. She has a PhD in Sociology from the Institute of Social Sciences of the University of Minho (Portugal), is currently co-coordinator of the Thematic Section on the Sociology of Law and Justice of the Portuguese Sociological Association (APS) and a member of the European Society of Criminology (ESC) and the British Society of Criminology (BSC). Author of several books, book chapters and articles in scientific journals, her main areas of research are prison studies, crime and social inequalities, intersectional approaches, crime and the media, and, more recently, critical studies of reentry, recidivism and criminal desistance. Other publications include the books: Female Crime and Delinquency in Portugal: In and Out of the Criminal Justice System (Palgrave, 2018), Prisons, State and Violence (Springer, 2019), Incarceration and Generation, volumes 1 and 2 (Palgrave, 2021, 2022), Gender, Prison and Reentry Experiences: A Matter of Time (Routledge, 2024).
She has a PhD in Sociology from the Complutense University of Madrid and is an assistant researcher at CIES-Iscte, Lisbon. She has coordinated several projects on binational couples, transnational families and privileged migrations (Golden Visas, Non-Habitual Residents) in Portugal. She is currently the national coordinator of the AspirE project, “Decision making of aspiring (re)migrants to/within the EU: The case of labor market-leading migrations from Asia”, as part of the European HORIZON projects, funded by the EC. The projects she has coordinated have resulted in several articles published in national and international journals such as International Migration; Population, Space and Place; Journal of Ethnics and Migration Studies; Journal of Chinese Overseas; Diaspora, Indigenous and Minority Education; and Portuguese Journal of Social Science. Since 2019, she has been a member of the Coordinating Team of the Thematic Section Migration, Ethnicity and Racism of the Portuguese Sociological Association (APS).
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