Call | Classes, Inequalities and Public Policies

Call for papers | Classes, Inequalities and Public Policies


Nuno Nunes ( ISCTE-IUL, CIES-IUL )

João Emílio Alves ( IPPortalegre e CIES-IUL )

Sara Franco da Silva ( ISCTE-IUL, CIES-IUL )

The Thematic Section on Classes, Inequalities and Public Policies is one of the richest and most consolidated assets in the scientific panorama of Portuguese and international sociology. One of the main objectives of this ST is to establish a platform for communication and scientific discussion between the multiple theoretical, analytical and operative perspectives that take social classes, inequalities and public policies as their problematic core.

The analysis of these processes in the specific context of Portuguese society has been a constant object of study, but throughout its existence the ST has also sought to accumulate knowledge about other national, international and global realities. Classes, inequalities and public policies constitute a central sociological perspective on the theme proposed by the XII Portuguese Congress of Sociology, under the subject "Polarised societies? Challenges for Sociology".

In this call we invite all colleagues to present incisive views on the contemporary challenges that classes, inequalities and public policies raise, taking into account the social transformations resulting from the digital society, the successive economic, financial and social crises, the increase in social inequalities and the rise of populism, nationalism and authoritarianism, and the War in Europe. These phenomena have a profound impact on the ways in which individuals live their daily lives, how they work, how they interact with each other, the goods and services they consume, as well as the expectations they build in relation to their future. Thus, new logics of production and reproduction of inequalities are created, which raise the need to define and implement more inclusive and egalitarian policies.

Specific problems and objects of study will be welcomed, with innovative perspectives on social classes, social inequalities and public policies, given the challenges that contemporary societies currently face. Local, regional, European, international or transnational analyses are welcome, with a focus on comparison, case study or a biographical perspective. The theoretical, analytical and methodological diversity constitute a scientific heritage to be preserved and encouraged.

It will also be relevant to host professional experiences dedicated to public policies or to the study of inequalities and social classes. Other exhibits in the form of documentaries, films or reports may also enrich the study of these themes. These are some of the open questions, among many others that could be asked, in a multitude of contributions on:

  • Social classes, socio-professional recomposition and social mobility.
  • Social classes, labour markets and precariousness.
  • Social classes, gender and ethnicity.
  • Social classes, consumption and living conditions.
  • Domination, reproduction and social change.
  • Capital-labour relations and economic injustices.
  • Inequalities of income and material deprivation.
  • Inequalities of well-being and health.
  • Racism and inequalities of recognition
  • Cultural injustices and inequalities of access to culture.
  • Educational, literacy and technological inequalities.
  • Inequalities in housing and quality of life.
  • Inequalities in politics, citizenship and collective action.
  • Inequalities of local, regional, national and global development.
  • Public policies to reduce inequalities.
  • Challenges of the social state and austerity policies.
  • Public policies on income and wages.
  • Social cohesion and sustainable development policies.
  • Public policies for territorial development.
  • The future of work, decent work and work-life balance.
  • Climate change and environmental quality.
  • Digital society, surveillance, manipulation, disinformation and ignorance.
  • Digitalization, artificial intelligence and human enhancement.
  • UN 2030 Agenda and Sustainable Development Goals.

Therefore, we invite all sociologists, and related researchers and professionals, to send proposals for the summary of research in an academic and non-academic context in response to our Call. Posters and visual documents such as short films focusing on projects or interventions will be accepted. These proposals, despite the differences between academic and non-academic contexts, should be formulated considering a theoretical framework, objectives, methodologies used, diagnosis, results and conclusions.

The rules and deadlines to consider for the submission of abstracts, as well as more information about the XII Portuguese Congress of Sociology, can be consulted on the APS website at

The Thematic Section's coordination will select the best communications to be proposed for publication in the journal SOCIOLOGIA ON LINE.

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