Call | Theories and Methodologies

Call for papers | Teorias e Metodologias


Ana Cristina Ferreira (Dinâmia’CET, ISCTE-IUL)

Margarida Perestrelo (Dinâmia’CET, ISCTE-IUL)

The Sessions of the Thematic Area of “Theories and Methodologies” of the XII Portuguese Sociology Congress aim to reflect on current innovations and best practices in all aspects of social science research theory and methodology and to promote interdisciplinary debate on the practice of sociological reason, having as its fundamental objective to contribute to the deepening of the efficiency and rigor in the mobilization of theories and research methods and techniques in the disciplinary areas concerned.

In this sense, we will focus on communication proposals that refer to original works developed within the social sciences and incorporate elements capable of contributing to their theoretical and methodological development, particularly those that focus on: i) problematization and critical discussion of the scope and boundaries of the paradigms that underpin the logic of truly operative inquiry into the social sciences of today; ii) discussing challenges and presenting innovative ways of solving the theoretical and practical problems raised by research practice; iii) in the empirically illustrated analysis of the virtualities and limitations of the methodological choices made, whether tributary to eminently qualitative, eminently quantitative or mixed approaches.

Considering the general theme of this XII Portuguese Congress of Sociology, under the motto Polarized Societies? Challenges for Sociology communication proposals will be encouraged, from a theoretical and methodological point of view, that allow us to discuss whether or not the polarization of society has led us to a point of no return, that allow us to know the complexity and plurality of social interactions, counteracting the simplification of complex social phenomena that have contributed to the growing polarization of contemporary societies.

Requirements for submission of communication proposals and/or posters:

  1. Proposals for communication or posters must be submitted by November 07, 2022, in the proper space for online submission, on the platform of the XII Portuguese Congress of Sociology, available at
  2. Each author may participate in a maximum of three communication / poster proposals, but may only submit one orally, and in this case he / she must be the first author. At the end of the program will only be considered the proposals in which the first authors have completed the registration, within the deadlines.
  3. Abstracts should be between 1750 and 2500 characters without spaces and should be entered directly by the authors on the platform.
  4. Abstracts may be submitted in Portuguese, Spanish, English or French.
  5. The communication of the evaluation results will be released by December 13, 2022.
  6. It may also happen that a proposal submitted to this Thematic Area is considered by the respective evaluators to be better framed in another Section / Thematic Area, and, consequently, referred to it, to be evaluated there.

We therefore invite all sociologists, and related researchers and practitioners, to submit summary proposals for research in the academic and non-academic context in response to our Call.

Posters and visual documents will be accepted as short films or short films focused on projects or interventions. These proposals, notwithstanding the differences between academic and non-academic contexts, should be formulated considering a theoretical framework, objectives, methodologies used, diagnosis, results, and conclusions.

The rules and deadlines to consider for the submission of abstracts, as well as more information about the XII Portuguese Congress of Sociology, can be consulted on the APS website at

The Thematic Section's coordination will select the best communications to be proposed for publication in the journal SOCIOLOGIA ON LINE

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