Call | Sexuality and gender

Call for papers | Sexuality and gender


Cristina Pereira Vieira (CIEG/ISCSP-UL, CEMRI/Uab)

Bernardo Coelho (CIEG/ISCSP-UL)

Mara Pieri (CES-UC)

The fields of sexuality and gender constitute dynamic stages, anchored on struggles for recognition and defense of rights through respect and cultural and identity diversity. However, these events have become places of concern with the intensification of excluding identity claims. The last few years, and partly as a reaction to the affirmation of identity diversities, have been marked by the emergence of authoritarian leaders, discourses that use the flag of sexism and LGBTIphobia as a way of propagating and legitimizing inequality, and the disqualification of scientific knowledge and human rights. All this is based on a populist model of thought, which assumes a direct attack on the plural sense of sexuality and gender equality.

New challenges are imposed and taking advantage of the synergies of the combined and multipolar thinking of the various agents and recognizing the importance of the historical, political and social moment, the Sexuality and Gender Thematic Section invites the presentation of oral communications, posters and visual documents such as short films or projects and interventions, which aim to:

  • discuss the forms of anti-gender backlash in contemporary societies and in Portuguese society in particular;
  • present forms of resistance to attacks on sexual and gender diversity;
  • consolidate the sociological work on sexuality and gender produced in the Portuguese academy, valuing interdisciplinary perspectives and from different countries;
  • discuss public policies to promote gender equality and combat LGBTQI discrimination (in dialogue, among others, with the fields of education, health, employment, inequality and social exclusion, migration...);
  • provide visibility to studies that place sexual and gender diversity in an intersectional perspective with other axes of oppression (from racial, class, disability, age, among others).

Special emphasis will be given to proposals, from the academic or professional environment, that present empirical results and/or that problematize, in an innovative way, the concepts and/or the central policies of the field. It is essential that the abstract briefly identifies:

(i) the theoretical framework of the communication (including the main authors of reference) or the diagnosis of the situation (in the case of communications from the professional environment),

(ii) the methodology used for the empirical work (when applicable) and

(iii) the main results to be addressed.

The rules and deadlines to consider for the submission of abstracts, as well as more information about the XII Portuguese Congress of Sociology, can be consulted on the APS website at

The Thematic Section's coordination will select the best communications to be proposed for publication in the journal SOCIOLOGIA ON LINE

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